What drives us

Our kickoff meetings always end with “there are no egos here,” and we mean it! We approach every project as an exciting collaboration. 我们是BBIN软件下载和开发方面的专家,而您是您业务方面的专家. We genuinely care about doing great work; that’s how we make the Internet better for everyone.

Method vs madness

Forge and Smith建立在传统工匠的价值观上:质量和信任. 这些原则指导着我们制作的每一个BBIN软件下载和数字策略.

Process First


Slow And Steady

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. That’s how great websites are made.


We’re all adults here. Trust is a two-way street, and we mean what we say.


No false promises. We’ll always be honest, and share everything we know.


Our roots

我们的首席策略师肖恩·约翰斯顿总是被问到:“为什么选择福吉和史密斯?肖恩在工匠和诚实、质量和可靠的价值观的包围下长大. When he became a designer instead of a tradesman, 他与大多数BBIN软件下载过程中缺乏这些价值观作斗争. Being a tireless problem-solver, 肖恩找到了自己的方式,将真正的工艺融入到设计和战略中——这就是福吉和史密斯公司成立的原因.

我们的名字源自中世纪的铁匠行会,那时候你的诺言就是你的契约. 我们重视坚如磐石的关系,对过程的奉献,并努力掌握我们的手艺.

No heroes, no egos.
Just people.

我们是一群精明、积极的网络匠,一次修复一个网站. 了解更多关于福吉和史密斯背后的人类,以及我们为什么要做我们所做的事情.

10 years and counting…

Time flies when you’re having fun.



The adventure begins

经过10年在设计行业的各种角色的工作, Shawn decided it was time to strike out on his own. Armed with ample experience, a love of process, and a passion for web design, 他的一个人的团队开始为慈善机构和小企业设计和建造.


Employee #1

Gaining momentum

After doggedly hunting for leads on Craigslist, Shawn finally built up enough of a client roster, reputation, 和谷歌排名的工作量失控. Abe Friesen 被聘为项目经理,以帮助回答问题和支持现有的网站.

2015年,Abe带着我们的祝福离开了我们,在一家我们曾为之做过建筑工作的机构担任了一个新的管理职位. But he lives on in our Slack password commands:


First Agency Website

Freelancer no more!

只花了一年时间,我们终于推出了我们的第一个代理网站. At this stage we were a team of eight, mostly developers. Our belief in process, sweating the details, 从第一天起,对工作的热情就是我们精神的一部分.


Growth Continues

More people and services

As we saw how well our sites performed for our clients, 我们推出了新的服务业务:数字战略和月度留存. 我们推出了一系列参与选项,比如SEO报告, social media management, and monthly support. This was an important milestone, 由于这些服务的每月经常性收入稳定了我们的业务,并开始平衡我们的现金流.


Strategy First

Commoditization was here

我们看到网络世界出现了网站商品化的新趋势, with the launch of services like Squarespace and Wix. We pivoted our focus from services to strategy. We doubled down, got serious about information architecture, content strategy, and UX design, and expanded our process. Rather than providing a website as a product, 我们开始把战略作为一种服务来提供……网站只是一个结果.

Hard lessons

不幸的是,这一顿悟来得太晚了,长期的价格竞争让我们吃亏了. 由于无法维持成本,我们不得不裁员近50%. Every team member found their next gig within weeks, 我们尽我们所能确保他们得到照顾.

It was a tough year.


Design Systems

Stop reinventing the wheel

当我们的重心和团队变动尘埃落定后,肖恩开始追求自己的愿景. After 10+ years of designing and building websites, 他看到了内容结构和用户浏览网站的一致模式. 如果我们可以利用这些模式来构建一个分层的系统化基础作为网站的基础,那会怎么样呢?

This would become the beginning of significant R&D efforts, 这将影响我们工作的方方面面:从我们网站的灵活性到我们整个机构的健康!


Anvil is Born

Efficiency meets creativity

Shawn对基于已知内容模式的可重用框架的看法, underlining an unrestricted creative front end, started to bear fruit.

代号为“Anvil”的基于wordpress的框架开始出现. 今年是试验的一年,结果改变了游戏规则. We reduced total development time per project by over 70%, 包括进一步减少用户体验和设计,因为我们采用了一致的原型工具集.

这些效率使我们能够将时间重新投入到我们的项目中, 增强内容支持流程,并广泛改进我们的整体QA系统.

The result? 更好的网站,更好的客户体验,并显著减少团队压力. It was a win-win-win.


Back in Black

Debt free and ready to grow

By taking advantage of several amazing federal R&D programs (we’re so lucky to live in Canada!), 我们可以利用投入在Anvil上的数千小时,让我们摆脱2016年欠下的债务.

这也开始了从提供产品的战略公司向提供战略的产品公司转变的无形过程. 虽然看起来很微妙,但它改变了我们处理工作的方式.


Sustainable Growth

Investing in our process, our team and our clients

As we spent increasingly less time on repetitive tasks, 我们继续把时间投入到我们的团队和客户身上.

By adding additional team members in QA, content and design, 我们在不牺牲质量或客户体验的情况下继续增长. 这包括关键的招聘,以支持培训,QA管理和内容策略.

Numbering 16 full-time team members from Victoria to Toronto, 我们现在是一支全面发展、经验丰富的团队,致力于流程和客户的成功.

We also implemented a new suite of HR practices, designed to support our remote team, 建立目标感,优先考虑心理健康和幸福.


Product Development

Anvil Blocks and Gutenberg

It’s all still a bit hush-hush, but we can 说我们目前正在制作我们自己的基于古登堡的网站,名为Anvil Blocks. 我们在2021年完全接受了古腾堡,它的灵活性改变了一切.

Continuing to prioritize our own R&为了客户的利益,我们现在有一个三工程师的WordPress插件团队. We genuinely can’t wait to share more!